
What do I need to set up my Evivo?

Before you order, you will need to source half a litre of distilled water for your shrimp to live in. Deionized water can be used as a substitute, but distilled is preferable.  You should be able to purchase these from online marketplaces or car parts retailers.

Everything else will arrive with the kit.

How do I maintain the Evivo?

Please do not ever change the water.

Once a month you will need to air the sphere.  Do this by slowly turning the sphere upside-down and unscrew the cap, making sure not to spill the contents. Keep the sphere open a few seconds and then replace the cap and close it tightly.

Do you send shrimp out all year round?

We can send the non-live part of the Evivo kit out all year round, however we can only include the shrimp during the months of April to October as they are very heat sensitive.

If you order outside of April to October, we will send the non-live part of the kit and the shrimp will follow in April.

How long will the shrimp live for?

We expect the shrimp in the Evivo to live for 2-3yrs.

Will they breed?

No, the shrimp will not breed.

My shrimp look dead on arrival! What do I do?

If the temperatures are cold during transit the shrimp may appear to be dead.  Just place them in a warm environment (between 13-27°C) and the shrimps will gradually become more active.

Do I need to provide food or anything else for the shrimps?

They just need a little fresh air about once a month for a few seconds, other than that they are self-sufficient!

The water is milky/unclear, is there something wrong?

If the water becomes unclear it is a sign that there is too much bacteria in the water.  Try moving the evivo to a better lit location (not in direct sunlight) and the water should clear after about a week.

There is a lot of algae, is this ok?

The presence of a little algae is positive – it means the ecosystem is receiving enough light.  However if it becomes excessive just move the evivo somewhere which receives a little less light and the algae should reduce within a few days

There are weird transparent shrimp in my ecosystem. What are these?

These are exoskeletons.  The shrimp shed their skin from time to time.