Stick Insect Questions

Where can I find instructions for my Living Twig Kit?

All of our Kit Instructions can be found in the Help Centre on our website.

Please use this link to dowload the Stick Insect Instructions.

How long will my stick insects take to hatch?

Your eggs will arrive with a Stick Insect care sheet which will include dates of when you can expect your stick insect eggs to hatch (normally up to 2-3 months).

During these dates we expect at least half of your eggs to successfully hatch, please do contact us at the end of the hatching period if this has not been the case.

I have had my eggs for weeks and they still look the same? Does this mean they will not hatch?

No, the eggs do not change in size etc. and can take up to 8 weeks to hatch.

How long will my stick insects live?

Your stick insects should be mature at 6 months and should live for around a year. 

How big will my stick insects grow?

They grow to around 6-8cm.

The egg is still attached to my stick insect, can I try and remove it?

You can try and remove the egg gently using a wet paintbrush.  If that does not work, gently pop the egg with your fingernail (it will disintegrate) and you should be able to remove any remaining egg/membrane again with the wet brush.  If you don't feel confident enough to attempt removal, the egg will eventually come away with the first moult.

One of my Nymphs has died, is this normal?

It is unusual for already hatched insects to perish.  Please check the list of below possible causes in case one may have been an issue:

*The food may be contaminated, so either chemicals have been used on it or near it (such as weed control, grass treatments), or it has been collected from somewhere with high pollution
*Have cleaning chemicals, air fresheners etc. have been used nearby to the habitat?
*The stick insects have been kept in direct sunlight or near a heat source
*The habitat has not been misted with water weekly or more, to create humidity

What should I feed the stick insects?

Stick insects will eat Ivy, Privet or Bramble.  Be careful to source the food from an area free from pesticides or away from roadside pollution. 

We have found it is best to choose a food source and then stick to it.  Your stick insects do not need a varied diet (they can be quite fussy!).

Do I need to provide water for the stick insects?

Although the Stick Insects will get fluids from leaves, they should also be misted with water periodically to assure that moisture is available to meet the insect's needs.  This will also aid the humidity needed.

The best way to provide water for your stick insects is to spray a fine mist over the leaves once or twice a week (if it is really warm a little more often).  Ensure you don't get the eggs or newly hatched insects wet.

Can I handle the stick insects?

Yes, but they are very delicate and need to be handled very carefully. Young insects are the most vulnerable and should only be moved whilst on their food plants. Older insects can walk on your hands.  Never grasp them by their legs.

What are the brown bits at the bottom of the habitat?

The small cylindrical rough bits are waste, however once your stick insects mature at around 5-6 months old they will start laying eggs, these are brown, round and have a tiny plug poking out of one side.

How often should I clean the Stick Insect habitat out?

You need to clean the habitat out at least once a week.

When the insects are old enough to lay eggs, if you do not wish to hatch them - empty the entire contents of the bottom of the habitat into a plastic container such as a takeaway tub and freeze this for one week.  You can then empty this and re-use it when it is time to clean the habitat again.

My stick insects are laying eggs, what do I do?

You can hatch another generation but be aware a stick insect can lay several hundred eggs in a lifetime. If you do not want all of the eggs to hatch, we recommend putting the eggs in the freezer for a week to prevent them from hatching. You can then dispose of them in the normal household waste.

How do I separate eggs from the waste?

If you wish to hatch the eggs, you can separate them.  The eggs are 2mm in size, brown, smooth and look like a seed.

If you don't wish to carry on the cycle, please freeze both the waste and eggs (to save you from sorting it) for 1 week and dispose of with your normal rubbish.

How many Indian Stick Insects can we keep in a habitat?

We would advise a maximum of 10 in Kit habitat.

Are the Indian Stick Insects male or female?

They are all female and do not require males to mate.  Any eggs laid will also be female.

Can the Indian Stick Insects be released?

No, they are not native to the UK so cannot be released.